Cleaning Up Rogue Pins/Prims

Cleaning Up Rogue Pins/Prims

NOTE: If you fail to uninstall the lane prior to moving it, rotating it, or deleting it - you will have some rogue *pins that are invisible hanging out in your location. Please clean all of this up prior to installing copies of the Bergson Bowling System.

  1. To check for rogue pins and ghost prims, please follow these steps:
  2. Enable "Highlight Transparent" (Generally, you can hit Ctrl + Alt + T, in most viewers)
  3. Your screen will show invisible/transparent prims in Red
  4. Locate any remaining bowling pins or bowling balls at your location.
  5. Right-click on any invisible/transparent prim and delete*.
  6. When finished, disable "Highlight Transparent" (Ctrl + Alt + T in most viewers)

NOTE:  DO NOT delete invisible prims from actively installed bowling lanes. You are only deleting rogue prims from lanes that you may have uninstalled.